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HttpHeader provides a way to set headers on HTTPs response sent by the server.

import { HttpHeader } from "@solidjs/start";
<HttpHeader name="x-robots-tag" value="noindex" />;

Setting a header for catch-all routes

import { HttpHeader, HttpStatusCode } from "@solidjs/start";
export default function NotFound() {
return (
<HttpStatusCode code={404} />
<HttpHeader name="my-header" value="header-value" />

As a page is rendered, you may want to add additional HTTP headers to the response and the HttpHeader component will do that for you. By passing it a name and value, they will get added to the Response headers sent back to the browser.

When streaming responses with renderToStream, HTTP headers can only be added before the stream is first flushed. This requires adding deferStream to any resources that need to be loaded before responding.


namestringThe name of the header to set
valuestringThe value of the header to set
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